Advocating for easier access to health care institutions for the deaf and hearing impaired persons of Central Bosnia Canton

Today, January 30. 2017, we held a meeting in Travnik with representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Policy of the Central Bosnia Canton. The purpose of the meeting was to talk about the need to eliminate discriminatory practices and barriers to equal access to health care for persons with hearing impairments. Very quickly a proposal of practical solutions for marking the health cards of all persons in CBK of this specific disability was agreed. We will continue to communicate further with the inclusion of the health sector of the same ministry. By this we expanded good practice established in the Zenica-Doboj Canton in September 2015.

This activity was carried out in the framework of the second cycle of small grants program “Cooalition Equality for All”. This program is made possible thanks to the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).



Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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