Successfully completed Conference “Access to justice and protection for women and children survivors of gender-based violence in BiH”

Yesterday, 21.03.2017., we successfully completed the Conference “Access to justice and protection for women and children survivors of gender-based violence in BiH”.

Conclusions resulting from the findings of the trial monitoring were published in the Analytical Report.

The importance of this topic was confirmed during the discussion with distinguished representatives of the courts, prosecutors, police forces, centers for social work, the Ministry of Justice and Administration, and the international community.

Although the monitoring cycle is completed, the partner organizations, Center of Legal Assistance for Women and United Women Banja Luka, have forthcoming advocacy process in order to improve the prevention and combating SGBV. We will seek support and alliances among the many participants of the Conference.

Photos from the event can be viewed here.

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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