Direct support to women in access to justice and the realization of the law

Providing free legal assistance for women is a priority activity of the Center since 1996., and our obligation. We have been directly and continiously helping women in the realization of their rights wether it was providing information about their rights or protection of rights in case there already was a violation, and in particular in the fields of:

  •  Family law
  • Labor law
  • Rights in the field of social protection and pension and disability insurance
  • Hereditary right
  • Protection against discrimination and discriminatory practices
  • Domestic violence and partner relationships.

For 21 years, at least 35,000 women received direct legal assistance and access to justice, while the number of services provided exceeded 90,000.

For our clients, making submissions, giving oral advice and legal counceling is free of charge, and if possible, in certain cases, representing clients before court.

Special attention is paid to the issue of protecting women from domestic violence or(in partner relationships.

While providing free legal assistance, we do not know the boundaries regarding age, working status, level of education, canton or entity boundaries, ethnicity, disabilities, sexual orientation because our goal is to provide direct support to women in the realization of rights and access to justice, protecting their rights and improving the position of women.

Within the framework of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) “Access to Justice – Facing the Past and Building Trust for the Future”, aimed, inter alia, on establishing a system of coordination and strengthening cooperation between government agencies and non-governmental organizations dealing with the provision of free legal Assistance, by signing a Memorandum of Understanding between government and non-governmental legal aid providers on 24.1.2012. in Sarajevo, the Network for coordination of providers of free legal aid in bh was established. CPPZ is one of the five NGOs in this Network.

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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