Education for employees of the Municipal Court in Travnik, on the topic: “Gender (in)equality – prejudices and stereotypes”

In the organization of the Center for Women’s Rights from Zenica, an education for employees of the Municipal Court in Travnik was held in Konjic from 10 to 11 November 2022, on the topic: “Gender (in)equality – prejudices and stereotypes”.

The education had an interactive character, and therefore contributed to the acquisition of new knowledge, especially regarding the social manifestation of the differences between the concepts of GENDER AND SEX, and learning about new practices in providing support and assistance for victims of violence.

The participants were educated by both judicial and non-judicial staff of the court, which gained a new dimension in the acquisition of new knowledge, and the educators of the Center for Women’s Rights, with their skills, managed to transfer knowledge to all participants and include them in the discussion.

All participants have positive impressions from this training, with thanks to the Center for Women’s Rights Zenica, for the extraordinary organization, with the expectation that the business cooperation between the Center and the court will continue in continuity.

According to the plan of the Center for Women’s Rights, another education is planned, which will be organized in the same way, outside the courthouse, as well as in-house education.

The Court’s Strategic Plan stipulates that the number of training sessions for judicial and non-judicial staff should be increased on an annual basis, so this training also contributed to the realization of part of the Court’s Strategic Plan.

The Municipal Court in Travnik also adopted an Action Plan for the implementation of the Gender Equality Strategy adopted by the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH, and this education will help to successfully implement the Action Plan and to successfully implement the Gender Equality Strategy.

We took the text in its entirety from the official website of the Municipal Court in Travnik, in order to show their impressions of the held seminar.

Foto credits: Centar ženskih prava

Thank you  The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation for the support!!


Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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