Iz tame nasilja ka novom početku

Donosimo priču jedne od naših korisnica, priču O HRABROSTI, priču O NADI i VJERI U NOVI POČETAK
Uz podršku #SMARTBalkans Centar ženskih prava osigurava pomoć i podršku za žene žrtve nasilja i tu je za sve one kojima je potrebna pomoć u realizaciji prava i zaštite.
Priče popute ove podsjećaju nas da svaki korak, svaki trud i svaka noć bez sna vrijede, jer činimo promjene.
Činimo je za žene, za porodice, za društvo, i za one koji čiji se glas ne može čuti.

Kako je sve počelo?

Godine trpljenja nasilja, emocionalne manipulacije i ravnodušnosti okoline ostavile su ženu koja se obratila Centru ženskih prava CŽP) zarobljenu u začaranom krugu straha i nesigurnosti. Trpila je u tišini, vjerujući da će se nešto promijeniti. Međutim, prelomni trenutak dogodio se kada je njen suprug nasrnuo na nju nožem, i to pred troje malodobno djece. U tom trenutku, shvatila je da mora zaštititi sebe i svoju djecu. Taj čin nasilja bio je iskra koja ju je primorala da konačno potraži pomoć.

Njen slučaj nije samo priča o individualnoj borbi, već i ogledalo izazova kroz koje žrtve prolaze u institucionalnom sistemu zaštite.

Osnovne informacije: 

  • Klijentica: M.H. 35 godina, majka troje djece.
  • Problem: Fizičko i psihološko nasilje od strane supruga, što je kulminiralo fizičkim napadom nožem pred djecom.
  • Cilj: zaštita klijentice i njene djece kroz pravni proces (razvod braka, zabrana prilaska) i psihološku podršku.

 Pozadina problema:

  • Višegodišnje trpljenje nasilja: Fizičko zlostavljanje, prijetnje, poniženja, emocionalna manipulacija.
  • Suprug je poznat kao kriminalac: Njegovo problematično ponašanje dodatno je povećavalo strah i nesigurnost.
  • Ravnodušnost društva: Komšije nisu reagovale, osim jedne komšinice koja je pozvala policiju.

Izazovi na putu ka pravdi

Iako je prelomni trenutak natjerao klijenticu da se suoči s realnošću i potraži pomoć, njen put ka pravdi bio je sve samo ne jednostavan. Nasilje visokog rizika, manipulativno ponašanje suprugove advokatice i nedovoljno razumijevanja njenih prava činili su proces još složenijim. Povremeno je sumnjala u svoje odluke, vraćala se nasilniku, i suočavala sa zastrašivanjem i pokušajima kršenja zaštitnih mjera.

Institucionalne prepreke dodatno su otežale njen put ka narmalizovanju života.

Opasnost visokog rizika:

  • Nasilnik je koristio nož i fizičku silu pred djecom, što ukazuje na ekstremnu opasnost po život žene i djece.
  • Nasilje nije samo povremeno već dio kontinuiranog obrasca.

Nedostatak znanja o pravima

  • Klijentica nije znala svoja prava tokom trajanja zabrane prilaska.

Manipulativno ponašanje advokatice nasilnika: Kroz postupak advokatica pokušala iskoristiti neznanje klijentice da ugrozi njenu zaštitu

Ponavljano vraćanje u nasilnu zajednicu: Klijentica se vraćala nasilniku više puta u nadi da će se on promijeniti, što je dodatno otežalo proces.

Podrška koja mijenja sve

Ključni faktor u ovom slučaju bila je podrška Centra ženskih prava. Od prvog kontakta, klijentica je dobila pravne savjete i psihološku podršku koja joj je pomogla da prebrodi najteže trenutke. Pravna intervencija osigurala je sprovođenje mjere zabrane prilaska, dok su psihološke sesije pomogle klijentici da obradi traume i pronađe snagu za novi početak. Pored toga, osoba od povjerenja iz Centra ženskih prava bila je uz nju u ključnim momentima, prateći je na sudu i pružajući joj sigurnost i podršku.

Pravna podrška:

  • Intervencija u ključnim momentima kako bi klijentica na početku procesa imala ispravne informacije o svojim pravima i načinima zaštite.
  • Pravno zastupanje osiguralo da njena prava ne budu prekršena tokom procesa.
  • Centar je pružao pravnu podršku tokom postupka pred tužilaštvom. Izrečena mjera zabrane prilaska prema klijentici i djeci.
  • Posredovanje prema tužilaštvu, uključujući saslušanje i dostavljanje snimka incidenta, koji je snimao njen sin.
  • Suprug osuđen na zatvorsku kaznu od (1) jedne godine i (7) i sedam mjeseci.
  • Sastavljena tužba za razvod braka i prijedlog za oslobađanje od sudskih troškova.
  • Članica Centra bila osoba od povjerenja, pratila klijenticu na ročištima i intervenisala u slučaju pokušaja kršenja mjere zabrane prilaska.
  • Pratnja osobe od povjerenja/pomagačice na sud i u komunikaciji sa advokaticom nasilnika bila je od presudnog značaja za emocionalnu sigurnost klijentice.
  • Sutkinja prepoznala važnost prisustva osobe od povjerenja i omogućila njeno aktivno učešće tokom postupka.

Zaštita klijentice:

  • Spriječeno kršenje mjera zabrane
  • Organizovana policijska pratnja prilikom preuzimanja stvari nasilniku.

Koordinacija sa institucijama

  • Policija: Intervencija tokom incidenta i sprovođenje zaštitnih mjera.
  • Centar za socijalni rad: Kućne posjete, prisustvo na ročištima.
  • Pravosuđe: Sutkinja pokazala senzibilitet, te omogućila prisustvo osobe od povjerenja tokom ročišta.

Prelomni trenutak: Kada je hrabrost pobijedila?

Prelomni trenutak dogodio se kada je klijentica, uz podršku Centra, odlučno odbila manipulacije suprugove advokatice i insistirala da se poštuju mjere zabrane prilaska. Osoba od povjerenja bila je uz nju tokom svakog koraka, uključujući situaciju kada je suprug trebao preuzeti lične stvari pod policijskom pratnjom.

Ova iskustva pokazala su joj da nije sama i da uz pravu podršku može osigurati sigurnost za sebe i djecu.

Ishod prelomnog trenutka:

  • Suprug osuđen na zatvor zbog nasilja u porodici.
  • Brak razveden, određena alimentacija u iznosu od 450 KM za troje djece.
  • Ograničenje kontakata oca sa djecom na telefonsku komunikaciju tokom trajanja zabrane.

Novi početak. Život poslije nasilja

Klijentica je osnažena, emocionalno stabilna i spremna za novi početak. Kroz proces, prepoznala je sopstvene potrebe i izgradila bolju budućnost za sebe i djecu

  • Psihološka podrška: Pomoć kroz 10 sesija omogućila joj obradu trauma i razvoj samopouzdanja.
  • Samostalnost: Klijentica se zaposlila i počela aktivno raditi na osiguravanju stabilnosti za sebe i djecu.

Naučene lekcije

 Ovaj slučaj ukazuje na ključne aspekte podrške i sistemskih izazova u radu sa žrtvama nasilja:

Ključna uloga pravne i psihološke podrške:

  • Pravna pomoć, uključujući zastupanje i informisanje o pravima, omogućila je klijentici da ostane zaštićena i istraje u procesu.
  • Psihološka podrška pomogla joj je da prebrodi emocionalne traume i izgradi samopouzdanje za novi početak.

Važnost osoba od povjerenja

  • Prisustvo osobe od povjerenja tokom sudskih i drugih postupaka značajno je smanjilo stres klijentice i povećalo njenu sigurnost.

Sistem i njegove slabosti:

  • Zabrana prilaska: Iako je izrečena mjera zabrane prilaska, nedostatak adekvatnog nadzora doveo je do dodatnog stresa i opasnosti po život za klijenticu.
  • Puštanje nasilnika iz pritvora: Odluka koja je povećala strah i nesigurnost.

 Preporuke za buduće slučajeve

 Kako bi se unaprijedila zaštita žrtava i osigurala efikasnost sistema, preporučuju se sljedeće mjere:

Jačanje nadzora sprovođenja zaštitnih mjera:

  • Unaprijediti komunikaciju između institucija radi praćenja i efikasnog sprovođenja mjere zabrane prilaska.

Intezivnija edukacija žena

  • Povećati svijest žena o njihovim pravima tokom trajanja mjera zabrane prilaska kako bi se smanjile mogućnosti za manipulaciju i pogrešku.
  • Pojačati razvijanje i distribuciju jednostavnih vodiča o pravima žrtava i koracima koje mogu preduzeti.

Podizanje svijesti u zajednici:

  • Kampanje koje podstiču građane na prijavljivanje nasilja i pružanja podrške žrtvama.

Promovisanje uloge osobe od povjerenja:

  • Uvesti praksu češće preporuke osoba od povjerenja/pomagačica koje bi pratile žrtve kroz pravne i institucionalne procese.
  • Osobe od povjerenja smanjuju stres žrtvi, povećavaju osjećaj sigurnosti i pomažu u sprečavanju manipulacija od strane advokata ili drugih aktera.


Ovaj slučaj pokazuje kako koordinacija pravne, institucionalne i praktične podrške može napraviti ključnu razliku u životu žrtava nasilja. Pružanjem kontinuirane pravne i emocionalne podrške, klijentica je uspjela prekinuti ciklus nasilja i osigurati bolju budućnost za sebe i svoju djecu.

Posebno se ističe značaj uloge osobe od poverenja koja je klijentici pružila osjećaj sigurnosti, pomogla u ključnim momentima donošenja odluka i zaštitila je od manipulacija. Ova uloga treba da bude integrisana u sve faze rada sa žrtvama nasilja, uz snažniju podršku institucija.

Slučaj takođe ukazuje na nedostatke u sprovođenju zaštitnih mera, kao što su zabrana prilaska i kontrola nasilnika, koji su ostavili prostor za dodatni strah i nesigurnost žrtve. Stoga je neophodno unaprijediti nadzor i komunikaciju između institucija kako bi mjere zaštite bile efikasnije.

Institucije, zajednica i pojedinci moraju zajedno raditi na stvaranju sistema koji žrtvama nasilja omogućava zaštitu, osnaživanje i pravdu. Uloga Centra ženskih prava u ovom procesu dokaz je da multidisciplinarni pristup može obezbjediti trajne promjene i omogućiti žrtvama da započnu novi život.

For the beginning of the year, we bring the story of one of our beneficiaries, a story ABOUT COURAGE, a story ABOUT HOPE and FAITH IN A NEW BEGINNING✨
With the support of #SMARTBalkans the Center of Women’s Rights ensures help and support for women victims of violence and is there for all those who need help in realizing their rights and protection.
Stories like this one remind us that every step, every effort and every sleepless night is worth it, because we are making changes.
We do it for women, for families, for society, and for those whose voices cannot be heard.

How it started?

Years of enduring violence, emotional manipulation and indifference of the community, have left many women trapped in the cycle of fear and uncertainty, including the woman who asked for help from the Women’s Rights Centre (WRC). She endured everything in silence, hoping that something will change for the better. However, the turning point was, when her husband assaulted her with a knife, in front of their three children. In that moment she realised that she must protect her family. This act of violence was the spark necessary, for her, to seek help.

Her case is not just a story of individual struggle, but a mirror reflection of the challenges faced by victims of domestic violence, in the institutional protection system.

General Information:

  • Client: M.H., age 35, mother of three
  • Problem: Physical and psychological abuse from her husband, which escalated with the knife assault in front of the children.
  • Goal: Protection of the client and her children through legal proceedings (divorce and restraining order) and psychological support.

Problem Background:

  • Long-term endurance of violence: Physical violence, threats, degradations, emotional manipulation
  • The husband’s criminal past: his problematic, bordering on criminal, behaviour further contributed to the growing fear and uncertainty in the members of his family
  • Societal indifference: The neighbours, even though familiar with the situation, did not react to the abuse, only one female neighbour called the police.

Challenges in Seeking Justice

Although the turning point forced the client to face reality and seek help, her journey to justice was anything but simple. The high-risk violence, manipulative behaviour of her husband’s lawyer and the lack of understanding of her basic rights, have made the process of seeking justice far more complex. She has occasionally doubted her decisions, contemplated returning to her abuser, faced intimidation and attempts of violation of the restraining order. Institutional challenges further aggravate her journey to a normal life.

High-risk danger:

  • The abuser used a knife and physical force in front of her and their children.
  • Repeated cycle of abuse

Lack of knowledge on legal framework:

  • The client did not possess any knowledge on her basic rights during restraining order timeframe.

Manipulative behaviour of the husband’s lawyer:

  • During the legal proceeding the lawyer of the husband tried abusing the lack of knowledge of WPC’s client to try and endanger her safety.

Repeated return to the abuser:

  • The client returned to the abuser several times in the hope that he would change, which made the process even more difficult.

The Support which Changed Everything

The key factor in this case was the support provided by WRC. From the very first correspondence the client has received legal consulting, as well as psychological support, which helped her in overcoming the most difficult moments in her struggle. The legal intervention has secured a restraining order, while the psychological sessions helped the client to confront her past trauma and to find strength for a new beginning. In addition, a trusted person from the Center for Women’s Rights was by her side in key moments, joining her in court proceedings and providing her with security and support.

Legal Support:

  • Interventions at key moments ensuring that the client has correct and relevant information about her rights and ways of protection at her disposal, for the entirety of the process.
  • Legal representation ensured that her rights were not violated during the process.
  • Legal representation was provided during the restraining order proceedings
  • Mediation with the Prosecutor’s Office, including giving testimony and submission of the video of the incident, which was recorded by her son.
  • The husband was convicted to 1 year and 7 months in prison
  • Drafted lawsuit for divorce and motion for relief from court costs.
  • The member of the CZP was a trustworthy person, who accompanied the client at the hearings and intervened in the attempt to violate the restraining order.
  • Because of the CZP intervention the client felt emotionally secure during the process.
  • The judge recognized the importance of the presence of a trusted person and enabled their active participation during the proceedings.

Protection of the Client:

  • Prevention of violation of restraining order
  • Police escort organized during the confiscation of personal belongings of the victim, from the abuser.

Coordination with Institutions:

  • Police: Intervention during the incident and implementation of protective measures.
  • Centre for Social Work: House visits and participation in the trial.
  • Judiciary: The judge showed sensitivity and allowed the presence of a trusted person during the hearing.

The Turning Point: When Bravery Won?

The turning point occurred when the client, with the support of the CZP, resolutely refused the manipulations of her husband’s lawyer and insisted that the restraining order be respected. A trusted person was with her every step of the way, including the situation when her husband needed personal belongings collected under police escort.

These experiences showed her that she is not alone and that with the right support she can ensure safety for herself and her children.

Result of the Turning Point:

  • The abuser was sentenced to prison because of domestic violence.
  • The divorce was finalized, and the court obliged the husband to pay alimony in the amount of 450 KM for their three children.
  • The contact of the husband with the children was limited to a telephone for the duration of the restraining order.

New Beginning. Life after Abuse:

The client is empowered, emotionally stable and ready for a new beginning. During this process she recognized her needs and made the first steps towards a better future for herself and her children.

  • Psychological support: Support provided through 10 sessions has helped her deal with her pas trauma and to find her confidence.
  • Independence: The client got a job and started working actively to ensure stability for herself and her children.

Lessons Learned

This case points to key aspects of support and systemic challenges in working with victims of violence:

Key Role of Legal and Psychological Support:

  • Legal Aid, including representation and informing about her rights, has ensured that WPC’s client remains safe and protected during the process.
  • Psychological support helped her overcome emotional trauma and build confidence for a new beginning.

Importance of a Trustworthy Person:

  • The presence of a trusted person during trial and other proceedings significantly reduced the client’s stress and increased her feelings of safety.

The System and its Shortcomings:

  • Restraining order: Although a restraining order was imposed, the lack of adequate supervision led to additional stress and danger to the client’s life.
  • Releasing the abuser from custody: The decision which contribute to the fear and uncertainty of the victims.

Recommendations for Future Cases

In order to improve the protection of victims and ensure the efficiency of the system, the following measures are recommended:

Strengthening the supervision of the implementation of protective measures:

  • Improve communication between institutions for the purpose of monitoring and efficient implementation of the restraining order.

Intensive Education of Women:

  • Raise the awareness of women and their rights in regard to restraining orders, in order to reduce the chances of misuse.
  • Strengthen the development and distribution of simple guides on victims’ rights and the steps they can take.

Raising Awareness in the Community:

  • Campaigns that encourage citizens to report violence and provide support to victims.

Promoting the role of a trusted person:

  • Introduce the practice of more frequent recommendations of trusted persons/helpers who would accompany victims through legal and institutional processes.
  • Trusted persons reduce the victim’s stress, increase the feeling of security and help prevent manipulation by lawyers or other actors.


This case shows how the coordination of legal, institutional and practical support can make a crucial difference in the lives of victims of violence. By providing continuous legal and emotional support, the client was able to break the cycle of violence and secure a better future for herself and her children.

Moreover, the importance of the role of a trusted person who provided the client with a sense of security, helped in key decision-making moments and protected her from manipulations is particularly emphasized. This role should be integrated into all phases of work with victims of violence, with stronger support from institutions.

In addition, the case also points to shortcomings in the implementation of protective measures, such as restraining orders and control of abusers, which left room for additional fear and insecurity of the victim. Therefore, it is necessary to improve supervision and communication between institutions in order to make protection measures more efficient.

Lastly, institutions, community and individuals must work together to create a system that provides protection, empowerment and justice to victims of violence. The role of the CZP in this process is proof that a multidisciplinary approach can ensure lasting changes and enable victims to start a new life.

#CPCDba #SMARTBalkans #SupportedByNorway #CoreSupport
@Norwegian Embassy in Sarajevo
Photo credit: SMART Balkans

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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