Strong together, for the future!

For two hundred years, some women have been fighting for the rights of women we have today, and we must not take them for granted. That’s why we went out into the streets and said: Yes, we flowers are pretty, but prefer our rights and to be Strong Together, for the Future!!

Today, when everyone will be busy making haircuts and carrying flowers, we will once again remind:

Flowers are occasionally given to us. But we want rights! Bread and Roses! Equality and Justice! Nonviolence and freedom! Freedom from everything that the history wheel is turning back. Women police officers of Zenica Doboj Canton joined our 8. of March march as a sign of support and solidarity.

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

Lična priča preživjele nasilja: Ništa nije vrijedno trpljenja

Iskorak ka dobrim praksama u zaštiti prava žrtava trgovine ljudima


Konferencija “Podrška pristupu pravdi za žene žrtve/preživjele rodnozasnovanog nasilja u BiH”

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Žrtve trgovine ljudima izgubljene u lavirintu institucionalne zaštite

Put za efikasnije ostvarivanje prava zrtava trgovine ljudima

(Ne)funkcionisanje sistema zaštite preživjelih nasilja tokom pandemije ili krizne situacije

Podrška preživjelim nasilja tokom pandemije ili bilo koje druge krizne situacije

Kako pomažemo…

OSOBA OD POVJERENJA – Pravo i Potreba Žene Žrtve nasilja

Propusti i prepreke u radu institucija – Studija slučaja BIH #2

Propusti i prepreke u radu institucija – Studija slučaja BIH #2

ZAPADNI BALKAN I TURSKA: Propusti u sistemu zaštite žena od nasilja