Application of the “Person of Trust” institute in practice

Women victims of violence are very often left alone, without support, without enough information on what to do, who to turn to for help, which affects the decision-making whether or not to report violence.

That is why it is extremely important to work on constant information and familiarization of victims and representatives of institutions in the chain of the protection system about the new institute, the new model of support – “Person of trust”. A person of trust is a family member or other natural person or an employee of a guardianship body, institution responsible for social and health care, other public institution or non-governmental organization, who can be present at all procedures and actions involving the victim, which are related to the realization protection and support related to violence.

That was the topic of today’s seminar for representatives of the police, centers for social work, and the prosecutor’s office from the area of Tuzla Canton, who showed their willingness to facilitate the application of “person of trust” in practice through their work.

#OsobaOdPovjerenja #pravoipotreba #pravoženežrtvenasilja #centarženskihprava #UNTF #PersonOfTrust #rightandrequirement #rightofwomanvictimofviolence #endviolenceagainstwomen #centerofwomensrights #zakonozastitiodnasiljauporodici #fbih

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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