Rights of migrants and migrant women in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Persian language

In front of you is a developed –easy to read- and –easy to use- material intended to acquaint migrants and migrant women in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a range of basic rights. In this way, we want to contribute to better information of migrants and migrant women about their rights, but also to contribute to the overall efforts for early identification and prevention of violence against migrant women in the centers. This set of materials is prepared in Persian language.

Migrants’ rights, the right to health, social and psychosocial protection – download

Migrant women rights, the right to health care for migrant women, psychosocial protection and registration in birth registers – download

Prohibition of abuse, the right to accommodation and the rights of migrant children – download

Right to asylum – download

Competent institutions and organizations that provide support and assistance to the competent authorities in the care of migrants – download

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