Under the Flag of Center of Women’s Rights

This was a good dose of positive energy and youth! Our motive is to be better, stronger, louder and more visible. Our wind in the back!
Behind us is a weekend that, we are sure, a group of 20 girls will remember for a long time!
Both they and we as the organizers of this three-day seminar for girls!
Laughter and tears, strength and weakness – nothing was missing and that is why these dynamic three days cannot be described with a few photos and a few lines of text!
Dear girls, our roses,
you are our bright future we want to believe in. Step forward boldly – boldly – strongly and don’t forget that the doors of the Women’s Rights Center are always open to you!
We look forward to watching your growth and success!
See you at the top!


Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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