Amendments to the Law on Protection from Domestic Violence of the FBiH adopted

We are pleased to announce that on July 29, 2021, the House of Peoples of the FBiH Parliament ADOPTED AMENDMENTS TO THE LAW ON PROTECTION FROM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, according to which the victim of violence will have the right to designate a “PERSON OF TRUST” who can be present in all proceedings and actions in which the victim is involved.
As the above changes were previously adopted by the House of Representatives of the FBiH, the Law will enter into force on the eighth day after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH.
We would like to thank all the experts, practitioners and professionals from the judiciary, relevant ministries, the institution of the Human Rights Ombudsman, who worked hard to prepare the initiative, but also to all the MPs who voted “FOR” and helped make this important change a reality.

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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