Finalized first part of the training within Modul II – “Skills and basic knowledge of community helpers”

First group of training attendees of Modul II entitled “Skills and basic knowledge of community helpers”. The module is part of a continuous training conducted by the Center of Women’s Rights from Zenica in partnership with the Association of Roma Women from Bijeljina within the project “Providing support in access to justice and social services in the local community”, funded by the European Union.

It is a pleasure to lead such a specialized type of Training and to strengthen individuals and organizations that will join us in a very important segment – creating a network of support providers in local communities for the purpose of comprehensive access to justice and protection of women’s rights.

With women like this we see a light at the end of the tunnel.

One of the statements / impressions of the Training participant:

“Thanks to this Training, I had the opportunity to look in different mirrors and actually observe myself. I am fascinated by how fast I <grow> here, how quickly I see mistakes, ie problems and find solutions for them. I am already looking forward to seeing myself after completion of all Modules.”

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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