Education of holders of judicial functions from Republic of Srpska

On the recommendation of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and at the invitation of Center for Education and Professional Training of Judges and Prosecutors of Republic of Srpska, we held a seminar for judges and prosecutors from the Republic of Srpska, which we have been conducting since 2018 in cooperation with Center for Education and Professional Training of Judges and Prosecutors of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The seminar on “Gender (inequality) – prejudices and stereotypes” aimed to sensitize and raise awareness about the impact of prejudices and stereotypes on the issuance of final decisions/sentence, as well as the position of women victims of gender-based violence in court proceedings.

You can read more about the details of the seminar from the perspective of the enter for Education and Professional Training of Judges and Prosecutors of Republic of Srpska at this link.

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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