Kvinna till Kvinna and the Center of Women’s Rights presenting: Sabina Mahić, women’s human rights defender

The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation is one of the few that has supported the work of the Center for Women’s Rights from the very beginning.

We had the honor and pleasure to look back at our work through their prism and present our members, defenders of women’s human rights, first line responders.

Almost two years ago, lawyer Sabina Mahić gave up corporate law and joined the organization for women’s rights – the Center for Women’s Rights. And she didn’t look back.

“When you work with legal representation in a company, you only look out for their interests. Now I feel that I am really providing support to the wider community, especially women and children who are unable to pay for a private law firm,” says Sabina.

The whole article can be accessed HERE.

Thank you Kvinna till Kvinna for your support and trust!

Photo: Imrana Kapetanović

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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