Study on the issue of gender equality in formal education in law faculties in BiH (2013)

In order to obtain more precise indicators on the current state of gender equality in formal education at law schools in BiH, within the project “Promotion of gender equality for the development of a democratic society” Center conducted research in five law faculties. The sample consisted of 220 students (male and female) from the fourth and third year.

Almost 30% did not know that the terms sex and gender do not mean the same. 51.36% of respondents think that girls and women are guilty of sexual violence they are experiencing. More than one-third of the respondents did not know how to enumerate the laws prohibiting gender discrimination in BiH. A third of the respondents (33.18%) did not know that domestic violence was punishable even when they did not have severe physical or mental consequences. You can see the publication here (available only in local BHS languages).

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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