Summary of the findings of the first trial monitoring of criminal proceedings in cases of gender-based violence

This document is a summary of the findings of trial monitoring of criminal proceedings in cases of sexual and gender-based violence. Monitoring was conducted in the period from February to October 2011, at 8 courts Cantonal court in Zenica, Tuzla, Sarajevo and Novi Travnik; Municipal courts in Zenica, Tuzla, Sarajevo and Travnik. The analysis included the most important aspects of criminal proceedings which have been in the focus of monitoring: the application of substantive law, the treatment of victims in the framework of the procedure, penal policy, the trial within a reasonable time, the analysis of the conditions under which trial is conducted, juveniles as victims in criminal proceedings, problems in proving. Monitoring included 145 cases. Trial monitoring included the presence on the hearings, access to court records, access to the archived files. See fact sheet as well as the entire Report.

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