The European Day of Justice 2022

Today we marked the European Day of Justice 2022! Long-term advocacy for the protection of women from violence has been recognized by judicial institutions, as well as representatives of social protection institutions, the police, and international and domestic organizations.
Many thanks to Katica Jozak-Mađar, president of the Cantonal Court of Novi Travnik, who handed over certificates of thanks to the Organization and the president of the Center for Women’s Rights, Meliha Sendić, for their exceptional contribution to the celebration of the European Day of Justice.
We are also grateful for the opportunity to present “A new approach, a new model in the protection of women from violence – A Person of Trust” to the wider judicial community, which the Honorable President of the Court believes should be the focus of interest of all institutions in the protection system and a future landmark in work.

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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