Civil society organizations of the Western Balkans will monitor court cases of femicide and gender-based violence

AIRE Center, FemPlatz, and five civil society partner organizations from the Western Balkans, Human Rights in Democracy Center from Albania, Women’s Rights Center from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Center for Women’s Rights from Montenegro, National Network to end Violence against Women and Domestic Violence from In 2023, North Macedonia and the Victimology Society of Serbia will monitor court proceedings in cases of femicide, attempted femicide and other forms of gender-based violence. The beginning of this cooperation was marked by a two-day training program held in Belgrade on March 27-28, 2023. During the training, monitoring methodology was discussed, including topics such as the selection of subjects to be monitored, the flow of the monitoring process and monitoring reports.

Read the whole article HERE.

Source (photo and article): Gender and the Judiciary in the Western Balkans –

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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