Education of judges and prosecutors on the influence of gender stereotypes and prejudices

The seminar “Gender (in)equality – prejudices and stereotypes” was successfully implemented for judges and prosecutors from municipal/cantonal courts and prosecutor’s offices from 6 BiH cities.

All the people present had a common opinion that the set methodology through interaction, discussion, and the way of presentation had the strongest effect, which is keeping attention during the entire seminar, which normally happens very rarely. Practicality and expertise, choice of topics, way and place of organization, countless information is also one of the group’s conclusions that give them faith that seminars of this type should be continued and held more often.

The seminar was realized in cooperation with the Center for the Education of Judges and Prosecutors of FBiH and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH.

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

Lična priča preživjele nasilja: Ništa nije vrijedno trpljenja

Iskorak ka dobrim praksama u zaštiti prava žrtava trgovine ljudima


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Žrtve trgovine ljudima izgubljene u lavirintu institucionalne zaštite

Put za efikasnije ostvarivanje prava zrtava trgovine ljudima

(Ne)funkcionisanje sistema zaštite preživjelih nasilja tokom pandemije ili krizne situacije

Podrška preživjelim nasilja tokom pandemije ili bilo koje druge krizne situacije

Kako pomažemo…

OSOBA OD POVJERENJA – Pravo i Potreba Žene Žrtve nasilja

Propusti i prepreke u radu institucija – Studija slučaja BIH #2

Propusti i prepreke u radu institucija – Studija slučaja BIH #2

ZAPADNI BALKAN I TURSKA: Propusti u sistemu zaštite žena od nasilja