Round table on the treatment of prosecuting gender-based violence cases

The High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH (HJPC BiH) has joined the world campaign “16 Days Against Violence Against Women”, by organizing a roundtable for judges and prosecutors.

Judges and prosecutors today had the opportunity to exchange different practices in the processing of these cases and to hear lectures on this topic by experts Meliha Sendic, President of the Center of Women’s Rights and Prof. dr. Ivanke Markovic, Head of Criminal Law Section, Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka and President of the Council for Combating Domestic Violence in Republika Srpska.

Today’s Roundtable on Gender Violence Cases has been organized in partnership with the Association of Judges of BiH, the Association of Judges of the Federation of BiH, the Association of Judges of the BD BiH, the Association of Women Judges of BiH, the Association of Judges of the Court of BiH and the Association of Prosecutors of FBiH.

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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