VII Roundtable “Good Practices, Obstacles and Shortcomings in the System of Protection of Women and Girls from Violence – the Situation in Turkey”

Two roundtables on “Good Practices, Obstacles, and Shortcomings in the System of Protection of Women and Girls from Violence – Situation in Turkey” were held in Ankara today. Round tables were held for representatives of institutions in the system of protection against violence against women and one for representatives of women’s organizations.

The results of action-oriented research were presented, after which we, together with the participants, created recommendations for the effective prevention, protection and prosecution of violence against women and domestic violence.


The Research is realised as part of the EU-UN Women Regional programme on Ending Violence against Women in the Western Balkans and Turkey, “Implementing Norms, Changing Minds”, 2017-2020.

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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