The first UNTRUST FUND Grantee Convention

For the first time, UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) organizes a Grantee Convention to exchange lessons and knowledge along with government partners, the private sector and UN staff. This five-day Convention is being organized in BiH and gathers over 150 participants from over 70 countries from the world acting on ending violence against women and girls to discuss what works in the field through the lens of global efforts to eradicate violence against women.

Convention deals with actual issues on ending violence against women programming, managing evidence and knowledge, building effective institutions, and ensuring sustainable funding to organizations working to create change and support survivors around the world.

We also participated in a meeting with UNWOMEN Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, at which women’s organizations from BiH outlined current problems in the work of women’s organizations and made recommendations to address them as quickly as possible.

Part of the text and photographs were taken from:


Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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Propusti i prepreke u radu institucija – Studija slučaja BIH #2

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