Forums on the topic of “Compensation of non-material damages for victims of human trafficking in the framework of criminal proceedings – a step towards good practices”

The cities of Tuzla and Konjic were a gathering place for judges, prosecutors, psychologists, social workers, doctors, representatives of ministries from the Tuzla, Posavina, Herzegovina-Neretva, West-Herzegovina and Brčko Districts of BiH.
The occasion were the expert Forums held on the topic “Compensation of non-material damages for victims of human trafficking in the framework of criminal proceedings – a step towards good practices”.
The central question of the Forums was how and what we all can do together for better protection of the rights of victims of human trafficking in criminal proceedings and easier access to the compensation claims for victims of the criminal act of human trafficking in criminal proceedings.
We would like to thank our exceptional panelists who presented the situation in practice, each from their own angle, as well as all participants, in their desire and efforts to improve the rights and position of victims of human trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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