How to reach community enablers/helpers?

The 4P network is a network of specially trained assistants who provide support to women in accessing services and justice throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The 4P network has 55 trained, empowered helpers, present in local communities throughout BiH and at the service of women who have experienced violence and are at risk of violence. They can help them to realize their rights in an adequate way or to get reliable, useful and accurate information about the status of a certain problem, and to feel supported and additionally empowered.

For faster and more efficient access to services, we have created an interactive map that you can find at the link: 4P Network

Access to the map is very simple and customized, regardless of whether you are using a mobile phone or a computer. You can search for helpers by clicking on one of the red dots, or by searching the name of the city in the “search” section. This will take you to the names of helpers in that location that you can call or email.



Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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