Seminar “Gender (in)equality – prejudices and stereotypes for holders of judicial functions in the Republic of Srpska

For the third year in a row, at the invitation and in cooperation with the Judiciary Center for the Education of Judges and Prosecutors of the Republic of Srpska, we are organizing the seminar “Gender (in)equality – prejudices and stereotypes.
The seminar was attended by judges from Banja Luka, Foča, Prnjavor, Višegrad, Srebrenica and the district public prosecutor of the District Prosecutor’s Office in Trebinje.
We hope and believe that in this way we have contributed to the improvement of gender equality in the judiciary.
We would like to especially thank the Judiciary Center for the Education of Judges and Prosecutors of the Republic of Srpska for their trust and willingness to cooperate.

Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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