Person of Trust in the system of protection of women rom gender based violence – Study Visit to Vukovar, Croatia

A sixteen-member delegation from BiH, composed of representatives of institutions contributing to the improvement of the status of victims of violence, from 19 to 21 February 2020 in Vukovar had the opportunity to exchange expert experiences on the implementation of the Institute of Person of Trust.

A year and a half ago, the Center of Women’s Rights launched the Initiative to introduce the Institute into the legislative framework of BiH by organizing a regional conference “Introducing the Institute of Person of Trust in the Protection of Victims of Violence – Sharing Good Practices with Countries in the Region”, at which one of the conclusions was organizing study visit to institutions and associations in Croatia who are applying this Institute.

We thank our partners for the Victims and Witnesses Support Association of Vukovar, the Victims and Witnesses Support Section of the Vukovar County Court, the President of the Court, Mr. Nikola Bašenski, Goran Miličević, the President of the Criminal Division of the Vukovar County Court, colleagues from the Association B.a.B.e., for their unselfish sharing of experiences and practices.

Shared experiences will be a valuable source and stronghold in the process of advocating for a change in bh. laws and to come out with a more informed proposal that will have the support of experts and expert public.

We would like to thank for the maximum contribution and participation of all members of BiH Delegation: Adisa Zahiragić – Cantonal Court in Sarajevo, Judge; Aid Hanušić – Basic Court in Bijeljina, President of the Court; Edin Sacirovic – Sarajevo Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office, Prosecutor; Ehlimana Medjic – High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH, Advisor for the Advancement of position of Vulnerable Groups; Emira Dizdarević – FBiH Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Senior Associate; Hajrija Hadziomerovic-Muftic – Educator of the Judicial and Prosecutorial Training Center; Ivanka Markovic – Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka; Jasminka Dzhumhur – BiH Ombudsman Institution, Ombudsman; Jasna Markotic – Foundation of United Women Banja Luka, Social worker; Katica Jozak-Mađar – Cantonal Court in Novi Travnik, President of the Court; Larisa Velić – Faculty of Law, University of Zenica, Professor; Natalija Petric – Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports of Republic of Srpska, Expert Associate.

The activity is supported by the Swedish organization Kvinna till Kvinna.


Mapa: Mreža pomagačica

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